Wilson AVP OPTX Replica Volleyball WTF1020XB

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The best players on the beach are always one step ahead. When you can read and react to where the game is going, you can be too. The breakthrough design of the OPTX AVP Tour Replica Volleyball brings a whole new visual approach to the beach. New VST™ (visual spin technology) uses strategic color variance to enhance the human eye’s ability to detect spin on the ball. A vibrant color palette and Optic Flow graphics allow the ball to be more easily tracked in the diverse environments of beach volleyball, like clouds, sky, sand, water, and crowds. Using the same construction as the original AVP replica ball, you can expect the same signature Wilson performance. With the OPTX AVP Replica Volleyball, you’ll see the game like never before.

  • ENHANCED BALL TRACKING: The vibrant color palette and Optic Flow graphics allow for better ball tracking in the dynamic and diverse environments of beach volleyball
  • BUILT FOR THE BEACH: The OPTX was designed specifically for the beach game and its players, reimaging what a beach volleyball should look like
  • SIGNATURE PERFORMANCE: The OPTX uses a new visual design with the same construction as the original AVP replica ball, so players can expect the same signature performance
  • AVP OFFICIAL: Wilson is the official volleyball of the AVP tour
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